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The White House
For Immediate Release

WHITE HOUSE VIDEO MESSAGE: Celebrating Veterans’ Day


Office of the Press Secretary

EMBARGOED UNTIL 6:00 AM ET, SATURDAY, November 8, 2014

WHITE HOUSE VIDEO MESSAGE: Celebrating Veterans’ Day

WASHINGTON, DC — In this week’s address, in advance of Veterans’ Day, Army Lieutenant Colonel Francisco Leija paid tribute to the men and women in uniform who have given so much in service of America. Veterans have risked their lives to protect our freedom, and Lieutenant Colonel Francisco Leija said when they return from duty, they must get the care they need and the opportunities they deserve. Lieutenant Colonel Francisco Leija asked every American to thank and welcome home the veterans in their lives who, like all who fight for our country, are heroes worthy of our constant gratitude and support.

The audio of the address and video of the message will be available online HERE.

Remarks of Army Lieutenant Colonel, Francisco Leija

Spanish Weekly Address

The White House

November 8, 2014

Hi, everybody. As we approach Veterans’ Day, we honor them – and all those who’ve served to keep us free and strong.

We salute those who have defended our nation over many generations and we celebrate our newest heroes from the 9/11 Generation – our veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. For more than 13 years, we have been at war in Afghanistan. Next month, our combat mission will be over, and America’s longest war will come to a responsible end.

But the end of a war is just the beginning our obligations to those who serve in our name. So as we welcome our newest veterans home, let’s honor them by giving them the thanks and respect they deserve. And let’s make sure we’re there for their families and children, too – because they’ve also made great sacrifices for America.

Let’s honor our veterans by making sure they get the care and benefits they’ve earned. That means health care to continue to reduce the disability claims backlog. And it means giving our wounded warriors all the care and support they need to heal, including mental health care.

Let’s honor our veterans by making sure they get their shot at the American Dream that they risked their lives to defend – by helping them find jobs worthy of their skills and talents, and making sure the Post-9/11 GI Bill stays strong so more veterans can earn a college education. When our veterans have the opportunity to succeed, our whole nation is stronger. And let’s work together to end the tragedy of homelessness among veterans– because anyone who has defended America deserves to live in dignity in America.

Finally, let’s honor our veterans by remembering that this isn’t just a job for government. It’s a job for everyone. Because together we’ll have your back – just like you had ours.

So this Veterans’ Day, and every day, let’s make sure all our veterans know how much we appreciate them. If you see a veteran, go on up and shake their hand. Say those words that every veteran deserves to hear: “Welcome home. Thank you for your service.”

God bless our veterans and their families. And God bless the United States of America.
