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The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release

Mike Froman, Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs to Hold Background Call to Discuss President’s Remarks at the Export-Import Conference

WASHINGTON -- TODAY at 9:00AM EST, Mike Froman, Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs will hold a background conference call to preview the President’s remarks at the Export Import Conference.  The call is embargoed until delivery of the President’s speech at 11:15AM EST today.  During his remarks, the President will discuss further details of the National Export Initiative he announced during his State of the Union address.  The President set the goal of doubling our exports over the next five years to keep America competitive and support the creation of two million jobs.

A fact sheet, embargoed until 11:15AM EST, is attached.

WHAT: Background conference call on the President’s National Export Initiative with Mike Froman, Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs

WHEN:  Today, Thursday March 11, 2010
                9:00AM EST


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