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The White House

Presidential Delegation to the Holy See

Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release                                                        October 9, 2009
President Barack Obama today announced the designation of a Presidential Delegation to the Holy See to attend the Canonization Mass of Father Damien on October 11, 2009.
The Honorable Miguel Humberto Diaz, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See will lead the delegation.
Members of the Presidential Delegation:
The Honorable Daniel Kahikina Akaka, U.S. Senator, Hawaii
The Honorable Donald M. Payne, U.S. Congressman, New Jersey
The Honorable Stephen Prokop, Superintendent of Kalaupapa National Historic Park
Most Reverend Larry Silva, Bishop of Honolulu
Sister Carol Ann Keehan, President of the Catholic Health Association of the United States