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The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release

Presidential Nominations Sent to the Senate


Charles Bernard Day, of Maryland, to be United States District Judge for the District of Maryland, vice Peter J. Messitte, retired.

Albert Nájera, of California, to be United States Marshal for the Eastern District of California for the term of four years, vice Antonio Candia Amador, term expired.

William Claud Sibert, of Missouri, to be United States Marshal for the Eastern District of Missouri for the term of four years, vice Ronald Henderson, term expired.

Myron Martin Sutton, of Indiana, to be United States Marshal for the Northern District of Indiana for the term of four years, vice David Reid Murtaugh.

Kathleen M. Williams, of Florida, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Florida, vice Daniel T. K. Hurley, retired.