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The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release

Statement by the President on S.475

Today I have signed into law S. 475, the "Military Spouses Residency Relief Act".  This Act, among other things, would provide that when a service member leaves his or her home State in accord with military or naval orders, the service member's spouse may retain residency in his or her home State for voting and tax purposes, after relocating from that State to accompany the service member.

When the military orders service members to move, spouses who move with them often have to pay taxes in a new State or locality and lose the right to vote in the place considered to be home.  This legislation will alleviate these and other burdens on our military families.  As the Congress has recognized, and as the legislative history reflects, this legislation is an important means of maintaining the morale and readiness of our Armed Forces and significantly enhances the ability of our military to effectively recruit and retain these highly valued service personnel.


November 11, 2009.
