Statement by the Vice President on New Recovery Act Recipient Reports Posted on Recovery.Gov
Washington, DC – As mandated by statute, the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board today posted on quarterly reports required from some recipients of Recovery Act funding. The recipient reports provide more detailed information about a portion of Recovery Act activity during the first quarter of 2010. The Vice President issued the following statement:
“The recipients reporting on this $62 billion portion of the Recovery Act – about 15 percent of Recovery spending and tax relief to-date - tell us they funded about 675,000 workers last quarter with those dollars alone, making it the largest quarterly direct job impact ever reported by recipients of Recovery Act funds. These reports, which provide a snapshot of just a portion of the job impact in the first quarter of this year, are yet another indication that the Recovery Act is a driving force behind the continued economic growth we are seeing and remains on-track to support 3.5 million jobs overall by the end of 2010.”
“This is a partial survey of Recovery Act activity based on real-time information coming directly from the recipients themselves, so we know the information is not perfect or complete. Work will continue on refining and improving the quality of the data in the weeks ahead. But these reports provide the American people with an unprecedented look at how some Recovery Act dollars are being put to work in their neighborhoods and communities through reports directly from the recipients themselves – and we believe that when the final data is in for this quarter, it will show the highest recipient participation rate yet. From the beginning, we committed to provide the public with a level of detail about the Recovery Act never before available with a government program - and with the posting of these reports today, we continue to deliver on that commitment.”