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The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release

U.S.-Japan Joint Message on Climate Change Negotiations

Prime Minister Hatoyama and President Obama strongly affirmed their commitment to continuing to work together to usher in a new era in the global fight against climate change, and they recognized each other's achievements toward this shared goal.

The two leaders also reaffirmed that shifting to low-carbon growth is indispensable to the health of our planet and will play a central role in reviving the global economy.  To this end, our countries aspire to reduce our own emissions by 80% by 2050 and endorse a global goal of reducing emissions by 50% by that year.

Meeting the climate change challenge requires all major economies to take ambitious concrete actions: emission reduction targets by developed countries and actions by major developing countries that will significantly reduce their emissions compared to business as usual.  These actions must also be subject to a robust regime of reporting and international review.  A solution also requires that critical support be provided for climate mitigation and adaptation efforts among the poor and most vulnerable.  The United States and Japan will continue to cooperate closely with each other on international negotiations to this end.

It is vital that we achieve a successful outcome at COP 15.  The United States and Japan are determined to engage themselves at all levels to secure this goal.
