
The City of Batesville

The city of Batesville received $10 million of ARRA funds, $6.3 million of which were principal forgiveness, to replace the existing wastewater mains (to the treatment facility) with a 3,100 linear foot gravity sewer. 1,700 linear feet is constructed as a 54 inch tunnel under the local golf course. Batesville previously transported all sanitary wastewater via a pumping station and two force mains, the larger of which is often submerged in the White River. The project saves 62 percent of energy, or about 700,000 kW hours/year over the minimum 40 year life of the tunnel.

Arkansas' Numbers
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Number of jobs created or saved by the Recovery Act:


Recover Act funds made available to support jobs:

$3.2 Billion

Recovery Act funds that have already been spent:

$1.9 Billion

Number of working families receiving tax relief that can be put to use immediately:

1 Million

Number of Recovery Act-backed small business loans :


Miles of highway improved across the state:


Number of clean energy projects :


Number of homes that will be weatherized :


Number of students getting Pell Grants to help pay college tuition:


Number of education jobs funded by the Recovery Act:



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