
The North Oaks Health system

American Infrastructure won a Recovery Act funds resurfacing project on MD 650 in Silver Spring, MD. The project was the first Recovery Act project to break ground in Maryland and nationwide. American Infrastructure says they were able to rehire 20 people who had been laid off to work on the project, and will employ a total of 60 people over the course of the contract.

Maryland's Numbers
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Number of jobs created or saved by the Recovery Act:


Recover Act funds made available to support jobs:

$6.3 Billion

Recovery Act funds that have already been spent:

$3.4 Billion

Number of working families receiving tax relief that can be put to use immediately:

2.1 Million

Number of Recovery Act-backed small business loans :


Miles of highway improved across the state:


Number of clean energy projects :


Number of homes that will be weatherized :


Number of students getting Pell Grants to help pay college tuition:


Number of education jobs funded by the Recovery Act:



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