5 Important Numbers on Health Reform
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54 million Americans have coverage for preventive services free of cost.

Insurers are now required to cover a number of recommended preventive services, such as cancer, diabetes and blood pressure screenings, without additional cost sharing such as copays or deductibles.

34.1 million people with Medicare who used a free preventive service.

The new health reform law eliminated any deductible or copay for many preventive services or for a new Annual Wellness Visit. In 2012 alone, an estimated 34.1 million seniors received one or more free preventive services.

6.3 million seniors have saved $6.1 billion on their prescription drugs.

Senior who hit the gap in Medicare’s prescription drug coverage, often called the ‘donut hole’ now receive 50 percent discounts on covered brand name drugs. The new health reform law will provide additional savings each year until the coverage gap is closed in 2020.

3.1 million more young adults have health insurance through their parent's plan.

Under the law, most young adults who can’t get coverage through their jobs can stay on their parents’ plans until age 26.

12,800,000 consumers received $1.1 billion in rebates

Insurance companies that don't spend at least 80 percent of its customers' premium dollars on health care are required to provide rebates to policy holders. In 2012, the first year this rule was implemented, 12.8 million consumers received $1.1 billion in rebates.