
Emily Schlichting, Omaha

Emily was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Behcet’s Syndrome and regularly sees two rheumatologists, an opthamologist, a dermatologist, an internist and other specialists. She has always wanted to work for non-profit organizations and in public service, but some of these jobs don't offer the health insurance coverage she needs. This has forced her to factor health insurance into her future plans. Now that she can stay on her parents' plan, she has the freedom to pursue the career she wants while maintaining quality coverage.

Nebraska's Numbers
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Small businesses who may be eligible for tax credits this year:


Number of residents who hit the donut hole last year and could be eligible for rebates if they hit the donut hole this year:


Number of Medicare beneficiaries who will receive free preventive services and other benefits:


Number of people who purchase private insurance and will not have to worry about lifetime limits being placed on coverage:


Number of people who purchase private insurance who are protected from rescissions:


Number of young adults who could have quality affordable coverage through their parents:


Number of employers that have been approved for the early retiree reinsurance program as of August 31:


Number of early retirees who could benefit from the reinsurance program :


Number of new enrollees with Medicaid expansion:


Amount of Federal Spending Support on Medicaid, 2014-2019 (millions of dollars):



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