President Obama has led the way on structuring the government to live within its means through a balanced approach that protects key priorities and ensures that everyone pays their fair share.
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President Obama’s plan to create a 21st-century regulatory system – one that protects public health and welfare while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation – has already identified more than $10 billion dollars in savings over the next five years.
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For decades, rising health care costs have hurt American competitiveness, forced too many individuals into bankruptcy to get their families the care they need, and driven up our nation’s long-term deficits. That’s why, after years of inaction in Washington, President Obama took on the insurance companies to pass comprehensive health insurance reform.
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The President is committed to reducing the deficit through a balanced approach—one that restrains spending across the budget, including in the tax code; asks the wealthiest among us to contribute to deficit reduction; and lays the foundation for future growth.
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Instead of accepting the status quo, President Obama has worked from day one to change how business is done in Washington. Under his direction, the Administration has moved to eliminate wasteful spending, streamline what works, and modernize how government operates to save money and improve performance.
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