SAVE Award Past Winners

2012: Shift to Senior Transit Fares, Frederick Winter, Virginia
Department of Education

Frederick, from the Department of Education, proposes that all Federal employees who receive public transit benefits shift from regular transit fare to the reduced senior fare as soon as they are eligible. In the D.C. area, this change would lower the cost of the employee’s travel by 50 percent, with no loss in the effective benefits for the employee.

2011: Create a tool "lending library" for NASA flight projects
Matthew Ritsko, Maryland

At Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA employees purchase specialized tools and ground support equipment for developing and building flight projects. Many of the tools are not tracked once projects are complete, and as a result funds are wasted on duplicative purchases. In order to cut down on repeat purchases, Matthew suggests creating a centralized tool repository— or "lending library"— where these tools can be stored, catalogued, and checked in and out by NASA employees.

2010: Trudy Givens, Wisconsin
Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice

The Federal Register is currently mailed to her workplace and approximately 8,000 Federal employees every workday. Most of the interested public now accesses the Federal Register online. While statute requires that hard copies be available, allowing recipients to opt-in for hard copy delivery could yield savings associated with printing and postage.

2009: Nancy Fichtner, Colorado
Department of Veterans Affairs

As is the case in most hospitals all across the country, medicine that is used in the hospital is not given to patients to be brought home; instead, it is thrown out. Nancy proposes ending this waste and finding a way to allow this medicine to be used by those who need it.