The Urgency of Reform - Nathan & Thomas in Denver
September 09, 2009 | 4:23 | Public Domain
Nathan's son, Thomas, was born with hemophilia in 2003. At the time, he and his family had great insurance through the high tech telecommunications company that he helped found, but when the insurance company saw Nathan's claims (ranging from a few thousand dollars to $750,000 a year for his son), they started to increase the premiums for all the employees and their families. Nathan decided to form his own small business so that he could have more control over the plan selection. Fortunately, under Colorado law, coverage for small businesses prohibits permanently excluding pre-existing conditions, so he was able to get coverage for his family. But Nathan faces increasing premiums and a $6 million lifetime cap, which he fears will be exceeded because of his sons continuing need for care. Under health reform, coverage for Nathan and his family would not include any annual or lifetime caps on benefits.
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