Advise the Advisor

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When President Obama says that we can't wait to put Americans back to work, he's not talking about the White House. He's talking about all of us. That we is everyone.

We know that some of the best ideas will come from outside Washington, and that's why we want to hear from you.

If you have an idea for something President Obama can do or know of a program in your community that needs to go nationwide, use this form to let us know.

Over the past few weeks, President Obama has announced a series of executive actions to help create jobs, and help out middle class families and small businesses. Here are just a few examples of what we've done so far:

  • Helping Homeowners
    The FHFA removed barriers for deeply underwater homeowners and cut costs and eliminated refinancing fees to help responsible borrowers with little or no equity in their homes take advantage of today's low mortgage rates.
  • Putting Veterans Back to Work
    The Administration is taking action to expand opportunities for veterans with medical training in the military to become physician assistants. These reforms will help military medics who are on the front lines saving lives every day find health care jobs when they come home.
  • Helping Americans Manage Their Student Debt
    The Administration is moving forward with a new "Pay As You Earn" proposal that will reduce monthly payments for more than one and half million current college students and borrowers.
  • Moving Federal Research from the Lab to the Marketplace
    President Obama directed agencies to take steps to speed up the transfer of federal research and development from the laboratory to the marketplace. As other countries begin to challenge American leadership in innovation, America must expand its ability to transfer science and engineering breakthroughs from the laboratory to the commercial marketplace.
  • Launching Business USA
    Business USA is a one-stop, central online platform where small businesses and businesses of all sizes that want to begin or increase exporting can access information about available federal programs without having to waste time navigating the federal bureaucracy.

What do we, as a nation, need to focus on in order to get our economy back on track?

What actions should President Obama take right now to help achieve the goal mentioned above?

What can community groups, non-profits, state and local governments, companies or individuals do to help achieve this goal?