Want to host a local Cancer Moonshot Summit?
Your summit will unite individuals and organizations in your community under the charge of doubling the rate of progress in cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
We encourage you to bring together researchers, oncologists, care givers, philanthropists, data and technology experts, advocates, patients, survivors, your family and friends and more in your community to discuss how cancer affects you, generate ideas about how individuals and organizations can better engage in the Moonshot Initiative, and come up with ideas for new collaborations and actions.
The Cancer Moonshot Summits will also include special engagement from the Vice President.
Here's how you can participate:
Your first step will be to make your event on social media. Please find a step-by-step tutorial below. Then, fill out the form at the right, and we’ll be in touch with all the materials you need to make your event a success.
For example, to create a Cancer Moonshot event on Facebook:
- Go to your profile
- Click on the “More” tab (next to your Friends and Photos)
- Click “Events”, then click “Create Event” on the next page
- Once you click “Create Event”, a dialogue box will pop up
- On the top left, click “Create Public Event” to ensure we can find and track your event
- Fill out the necessary information about your event: HOST should be your name; EVENT NAME should be Cancer Moonshot Summit - [City, State]; LOCATION should be your host location; and your START and END times should be 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. local time.
- Suggested event description: On June 29th, the Vice President is convening a National Cancer Moonshot Summit. These Summits will be the first time that individuals and organizations representing the entire cancer community (researchers, doctors, scientists, philanthropists, community oncologists, advocates, patients and survivors) will all convene under the national charge to double the rate of progress toward a cure. Join your fellow cancer patients, advocates, researchers, community leaders, and healthcare professionals as we share updates and discuss efforts to accelerate progress in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care. Click “All Posts Must Be Approved By Admin”
- Click "Create."