Tell Us How You're Working to Help Older Americans:
As the Obama administration prepares to host the 2015 White House Conference on Aging, we have been engaging with older Americans, caregivers, families, researchers, leaders in the field of aging, and other stakeholders across the country to hear about their most important issues.
These individual conversations have helped us identify some common themes, including:
- Retirement security: Ensuring that older Americans are financially prepared for retirement
- Healthy aging: Maintaining individuals’ health as they age
- Long-term services and supports: Identifying services and supports that can help older adults live independently in their communities as they age and finding ways to support the caregivers who help them
- Elder justice: Protecting older Americans from financial exploitation, abuse, and neglect
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Domestic Policy Council are seeking individual input from a broad range of stakeholders about new or expanded initiatives involving science and technology that can help improve the quality of life for older Americans.
These activities might include:
- Expanded university and industry research and development to address challenges associated with aging
- Educational programs that help designers create “person-centered” products and services for older Americans
- Efforts to promote an “innovation ecosystem” for older Americans, which might involve accelerators, incubators, well-designed incentive prizes, and mechanisms for researchers and entrepreneurs to get rapid feedback on their proposed solutions
- The identification of one or more Grand Challenges — ambitious but achievable goals that would significantly improve the health, independence, and quality of life for older Americans
Do the activities of your organization align with this call to action to harness science, technology, and innovation to help and empower older Americans?
Use this webform to tell us about new or expanded activities in which you’re engaged by May 22, 2015.
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