National Security & International Affairs

National Security & International Affairs

Reaffirming America’s role as the global engine of scientific discovery and technological innovation has never been more critical … Our renewed commitment to science and technology … will help us protect our citizens and advance U.S. national security priorities.”

-- National Security Strategy, May 2010

New developments in science and technology (S&T) play a key role in predicting and addressing threats to our national and economic security. When threats are unavoidable, S&T is critical to minimizing negative impacts and helping our Nation recover as quickly as possible. At the same time, international cooperation in S&T plays a key role in meeting transnational priorities that improve the quality of life and global security. 

The Office of Science and Technology Policy’s National Security and International Affairs (NSIA) division is committed to advancing policies that apply S&T in the following areas:

  • Cybersecurity:  Facilitate Federal research and development (R&D) efforts to develop innovative technological tools that can thwart cyber threats. 
  • Biological Threats:  Promote S&T for a robust global biological surveillance enterprise, a strong response and recovery capability in the case of a biological incident, and forensics techniques to identify the source of a biological attack.
  • Nuclear Threats:  Strengthen the Nation’s capability to detect and control the transfer of nuclear explosive devices and weapons-usable nuclear material.
  • Intelligence Capabilities:  Apply S&T to help address the Nation’s most pressing intelligence challenges.
  • International S&T Cooperation:  Enhance international S&T initiatives and strengthen global S&T cooperation in priority areas such as: energy, environment, health, cybersecurity, and advanced manufacturing.
  • National Security and Emergency Preparedness:  Leverage technology and innovation to improve the Nation’s resilience to both man-made and natural disasters, especially with respect to communication systems.
  • National Security R&D Enterprise:  Strengthen the health and sufficiency of the national security R&D enterprise, including its workforce, infrastructure, and other resources.
  • Transborder Security:  Strengthen S&T initiatives to improve transborder security in key areas such as aviation security, countering improvised explosive devices (IEDs), narcotics interdiction, and identity technologies.

National Science and Technology Council - Committee on Homeland and National Security

The Associate Director of the National Security and International Affairs Division at OSTP is co-chair of the National Science and Technology Council’s Committee on Homeland and National Security (CHNS).  The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) is the principal means within the executive branch to coordinate science and technology policy across the diverse entities that make up the Federal research and development enterprise.  The CHNS supports the NSTC’s efforts to increase the overall effectiveness of S&T related to homeland and national security.  The CHNS also addresses significant national and international policy matters that cut across agencies, and promotes interagency policy coordination and collaboration. Read more about the NSTC Committee on Homeland and National Security here.

Read about NSIA's International S&T Cooperation efforts here.

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