OSTP Director John P. Holdren was the keynote presenter today at the U.S.-European Summit on Science, Technology, Innovation, and Sustainable Economic Growth, held at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC.
Dr. Holdren described the Obama Administration’s strong commitment to supporting science and technology as a central approach to solving many of the biggest challenges today facing the Nation. Dr. Holdren also highlighted this Administration’s strong commitment to international collaboration with regard to science and technology, as evidenced by President Obama’s “New Beginnings” speech in Cairo last year; the convening of the Multilateral Economic Forum, with a strong focus on international energy-climate cooperation; and this spring’s meeting of the US-EU Joint Consultative Group on Science and Technology , which included discussions on bilateral cooperation in R&D on infotech, nanotech, energy, biomedicine, cyber infrastructure, homeland security, and Earth-observing systems, as well as how better to prioritize global challenges in food security, global health, sustainable energy, and climate change.
Dr. Holdren's presentation is available here.