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Council on Women and Girls Friday Highlights

Welcome to the Council on Women and Girls Weekly Highlights! This week, Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, announced new guidelines that will eliminate barriers to services that can help keep American women healthy by ensuring affordable, quality healthcare for all women.

Welcome to the Council on Women and Girls Weekly Highlights! This week, Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, announced new guidelines that will eliminate barriers to services that can help keep American women healthy by ensuring affordable, quality healthcare for all women. Everyone wants their family to be healthy. A key component of this is ensuring that mothers, daughters, and sisters have access to the preventive services they need.

Also this week, the President reached a bipartisan deal with Congress which sets the stage for balanced deficit reduction. This week President Obama thanked the American people for reaching out to their elected officials during the debate, and stressed that this compromise guarantees more than $2 trillion in deficit reduction, and will ensure that as a nation we live within our means, while still making key investments in things that lead to new jobs, like education and research.

There have been a number of good posts on that lay out the details and facts of this plan, answer questions you may have and dispel any myths about the plan...

If you have friends or family who would like to join our Council on Women and Girls efforts, please have them click here.  

The Affordable Care Act Helps Women Stay Healthy

Women in STEM: An Opportunity to Improve U.S. Competitiveness

Protecting Women from Unlawful Mortgage Lending Practices

INFOGRAPHIC: Where does our national debt come from?

Putting Our Veterans Back to Work

President Obama Directs New Steps to Prevent Mass Atrocities and Impose Consequences on Serious Human Rights Violators

Champion of Change

Weekly Address: Compromise on Behalf of the American People

West Wing Week