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President Obama Sends The American Jobs Act to Congress

Read the full American Jobs Act that President Obama sent to Congress.

Today, President Obama sent a message to Congress with the American Jobs Act of 2011 and a section-by-section analysis of the legislation. The American Jobs Act is composed of the kinds of proposals to put Americans back to work that both Democrats and Republicans have supported. That's why President Obama is urging Congress to pass the bill right away to get the economy moving. As the President stressed this morning, this is not a time to play politics:

 It’s not okay at a time of great urgency and need all across the country. These aren’t games we’re playing out here. Folks are out of work. Businesses are having trouble staying open. You’ve got a world economy that is full of uncertainty right now -- in Europe, in the Middle East. Some events may be beyond our control, but this is something we can control. Whether we not -- whether or not we pass this bill, whether or not we get this done, that’s something that we can control. That’s in our hands.

Read the letter to Congress, the full American Jobs Act, and the section-by-section analysis below:

American Jobs Act
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Download the President's message to Congress, a sectional analysis and the full text of the American Jobs Act of 2011 (pdf).


Find out more about the American Jobs Act