Watch Patent Reform with the America Invents Act, here.
Last week, the President signed the America Invents Act, a much-needed reform that will speed up the patent process and enable entrepreneurs to turn an invention into a business three times faster than before.
Jessica Mathews, the CEO of Unchartered Play, says that the America Invents Act and the American Jobs Act are exactly what small business owners like her need to thrive. Mathews says that patent reform “will allow inventors and entrepreneurs and businesses to have greater likelihood that their patent will issue, that that patent will issue sooner, and all the incentive to go out there and create jobs to get their products to market.”
Mathews invented the Soccket, a soccer ball that generates electricity as it's being kicked around. Her product is being used as a portable generator in developing countries short on energy supply.
Louis Foreman is the listed inventor of 10 registered U.S. patents, and his firm, Enventis, is responsible for the development and filing of well over 400 more. Foreman has created nine successful start-ups and has been directly responsible for the creation of more than 20 others. Foreman says that the America Invents Act “will help bring both speed and certainty to the patent system. It will allow inventors and entrepreneurs and businesses to have greater likelihood that their patent will issue, that that patent will issue sooner, and all the incentive to go out there and create jobs to get their products to market.”