Growing up in Phoenix, Arizona was one of the best experiences I could ever ask for. With over 300 days of sunshine, and some great Phoenix Suns teams over the years, there wasn’t a whole lot more a kid could want. I lived in a neighborhood with families from all walks of life and befriended many wonderful people with backgrounds different from my own. It’s precisely that diversity that makes America great and my childhood in Arizona special.
The holiday season is the best time to learn and celebrate the unique traditions we all have and share them with friends and family.
In this week’s edition of “Women Working to Do Good”, HelloGiggles spotlights college student Jaime Henry-White for her work using photography to connect communities and bridge cultural divides. In the profile, the author writes:
“Using photography as a tool for dialogue between conflicting religious groups is the perfect way to communicate while connecting communities.”
As we gather to celebrate the many holiday festivities this month, let’s revel in all the cultures and traditions that make our country unique.
Read more about Women Working to Do Good
Ronnie Cho is the Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement.