Happy New Year everyone! We kick off 2012 with a brand new “Women Working to Do Good” blog from HelloGiggles. This week’s profile features Alexa von Tobel, the founder of a start-up focused on offering personal finance advice to women. In the profile the author writes, “It’s a role she was born to play. Alexa says she has known she wanted to be an entrepreneur since she was a little girl, filling notebooks with all her plans for future projects.”
With the announcement of President Obama’s appointment of Richard Cordray to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, information and resources to prevent people from financial tricks and traps are becoming more abundant. For Alexa, her focus has been on educating women and arming them with “money skills” to improve their lives and help achieve their goals. “Alexa says she recognized a huge gap in the market. “Women control approximately eighty percent of household spending. It seemed like a no-brainer.”
With so many people making New Year’s resolutions to get their fiscal house in order, Alexa’s vision and passion to help women save money simply makes a lot of sense.
Read more about Women Working to Do Good:
Ronnie Cho is an Associate Director in the White House Office of Public Engagement.