On Tuesday, President Obama traveled to Chattanooga, Tennessee to talk about his plan to offer a better bargain for the middle class. The President's plan builds on the progress we've made to create good jobs that pay decent wages by investing in manufacturing, infrastructure, clean energy, and increasing exports. In his speech, the President laid out an idea to simplify our business tax system to eliminate loopholes as part of a package that makes investments we need to create good middle class jobs.
In Tennessee, the President called on Washington to work on a grand bargain focused on middle-class jobs by pairing reform of the business tax code with a significant investment in middle-class jobs. “We should be doing everything we can as a country to create more good jobs that pay good wages,” President Obama said.
President Obama’s plan for simplifying the corporate tax code would close loopholes, end incentives to ship jobs overseas, lower the rate for businesses creating jobs right here in America, provide tax incentives for manufacturers that bring jobs home to the United States, and simplify taxes for small business owners.
In anticipation of the President’s visit, Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke authored an op-ed on the President’s economic vision and how it continues to help strengthen middle class families in his city. Check out this excerpt and read the full article online:
"With his visit to Chattanooga, President Obama could not have picked a better place to highlight the economic recovery already in place and the need for all of us to work together to bolster the middle class. The president’s plan ignites a needed discussion on how we spur a renaissance in manufacturing, make strategic investments in technology, education and infrastructure, and create new ladders of opportunity for Chattanooga, for Tennessee, and for the nation."
Find out more about the President Obama’s visit to Chattanooga and the President’s Economic vision for cities across the country.