Earlier today, Video Director Adam Garber sent the following message to the White House email list earlier today, noting that the deadline for White House Student Film Festival submissions is February 2. If you're a student filmmaker and you want to submit a video -- or you know someone else who fits that description -- visit our Student Film Festival page here!
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Are you a student filmmaker with big ideas about the importance of service and giving back? Do you know a young person who is?
Here's how it works:
Any K-12 U.S. student can submit a film that's three minutes long or shorter. You can read more about the submission guidelines here.
We'll feature the official selections on the White House website, and share them across the Internet on official White House accounts. And if you're selected, you might even have the chance to attend the film festival yourself, at the White House.
Along with representatives from the American Film Institute and other White House staff, I'll be taking a look at every submission we get -- and last year, we got some great stuff. Take a look at the official selections of 2014:
So if you still want to submit a film, or you know someone who does, it's time. Break out the lights, write a script, get your camera ready, and show us what you've got.
You can learn more and enter your submission here.
We can't wait to see what you'll make.