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White House Author

Captain Glenna Tinney

Glenna Tinney has worked tirelessly for more than three decades to facilitate change in both the civilian and military systems to eliminate violence against women. She currently serves as the Military Advocacy Program Coordinator for the Battered Women’s Justice Project, a national technical assistance provider for the Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). As one of the original twelve Navy social workers recruited for active duty in 1980, Glenna served for 24 years working with military families and managing worldwide family violence and sexual assault programs. Today, she manages a special project funded by OVW to develop a model coordinated community response to co-occurring incidents of combat-related conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder and intimate partner violence. She trains military and community-based civilian victim advocates and other providers to increase their capacity to address the unique needs of military-related intimate partner violence victims and offenders. Glenna also monitors and engages in dialogue to influence legal, military, veteran, and public policy developments nationwide that affect civil/criminal justice responses to intimate partner violence involving military personnel and veterans. In her work, Glenna collaborates with a diverse group of stakeholders from the military, veteran, and civilian communities.

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