White House Author

Captain Todd Veazie
Captain Veazie was born in Washington D.C. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Science from the University of South Carolina and was commissioned in 1986. After commissioning he reported to Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training and graduated in Class 140. He is the former Executive Director of Joining Forces in the Office of the First Lady at the White House.
Captain Veazie's additional service assignments include:
SEAL Team FIVE where he completed two deployments to the Western Pacific as a SEAL Platoon Assistant Officer- in-Charge.The Defense Language Institute for Spanish language training and then SEAL Team FOUR where he served as Platoon Officer-in-Charge, Training Officer and Operations Officer with numerous deployments to Central and South America.
He was assigned to the Naval Special Warfare Development Group as a Tactical Development and Evaluation Element Leader. He then reported to the Bureau of Naval Personnel in Washington, D.C. serving as the Enlisted Community Manager responsible for personnel policy supporting SEALs, EOD, Fleet Divers, Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen, Musicians, and the Command Master Chief and Women at Sea programs, and also served as the SEAL Officer Community Manager.
He reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command in Coronado before transferring to SEAL Team FIVE as the Executive Officer. Following this tour he reported to Naval Special Warfare Group ONE where he commanded a Naval Special Warfare Task Unit supporting multiple afloat Strike Groups during the initial stages of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.
CAPT Veazie earned a Master of Science degree in National Security Strategy at the National War College in Washington D.C. and subsequently served as the Assessments and Strategic Planning Process Officer at the Naval Special Warfare Command. In 2004 he assumed command of SEAL Team SEVEN deploying forward to conduct combat operations in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM as the Commanding Officer of Naval Special Warfare Task Group - Arabian Peninsula.
He was assigned to the Operations Directorate on the Joint Staff at the Pentagon. He then served as the Commanding Officer of Naval Special Warfare Unit THREE in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
He was the Assistant Chief of Staff for Resources, Requirements, and Assessments for the Commander, Naval Special Warfare Command. His most recent assignment was as Commander, Naval Special Warfare Group FOUR in Virginia Beach, VA.
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