White House Author

Joey Strickland
Director Joey Strickland was appointed to head the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services in July 2008 after serving more than 10 years as the Deputy Secretary and Executive Director of the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs. Director Strickland, who is American Indian of Choctaw-Cherokee-Lumbee descent, also served as Louisiana Director of Indian Affairs from 1996 to 2004 and served on several state commissions including the Governor’s Military Advisory Board. At the national level, Director Strickland has served as chairman of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee for Minority Veterans and is a past president of the National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs. During his nearly 29-year military career, Director Strickland served in the enlisted, noncommissioned officer and commissioned officer ranks. He saw two combat tours in Vietnam and retired from the Army in 1994. Director Strickland is a life member of the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and of the Disabled American Veterans.
Joey Strickland is being recognized as a Champion of Change for his dedication to service and his continued support for efforts to: end homelessness, boost employment and treat mental health disparities for fellow veterans.