White House Author

Tiffani Cooper
Student, Baltimore City Community College
Tiffani Cooper, 20, is a 2010 graduate of Baltimore City Public Schools’ National Academy Foundation School, and currently a student at Baltimore City Community College (BCCC). She plans to earn her associate’s degree there before moving on to Morgan State University to study hospitality management. Tiffani has participated in YouthWorks – Baltimore City’s summer jobs program – since 2007. This summer, while working in the facilities department at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), Tiffani performed so well that she was offered a full-time position at MICA when her YouthWorks assignment ended. While she worked the morning shift during the summer, she now works the evening shift to accommodate her school schedule. Tiffani credits YouthWorks and the jobs she has held each summer since the age of 14 with helping her to broaden her resume, expand her networking abilities, improve her communication and customer service skills, and set long-term goals for the future.