Champions of Change
LS1 Christopher Cady is in the U.S. Navy and is the recipient for the 2011 Military Fatherhood Award from the National Fatherhood Initiative. His son, Joshua was born with a virus (Cytomegalovirus) that left him with profound disabilities, including cerebral palsy and epilepsy. He is deaf and blind and requires a tracheotomy and a feeding tube. Christopher is his son’s arms, legs and voice. He retained full custody of his son after his divorce and remains on active duty in the Navy. When Christopher was deployed, he made sure his son could hear his voice every night and could smell Daddy’s shirt, since Joshua cannot communicate. Christopher has been able to spend the last four years at Priority Material Office Headquarters as the Leading Petty Officer. He was assigned there to be closer to Joshua. He is a mentor for the Military Special Needs Group, the Special Education Advisory Committee, and the Kitsap Fathers Network. Christopher is also active in the Boyer Children’s Fathers Group, Washington Fathers Network, and the National CMV Foundation.