Champions of Change
Champions of Change

Champions of Change: Fighting AIDS

This month marks the 30th year of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. While much progress has been made, including the release of the first comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy by the President last year, more is needed and it will take all of us. As the President has said, “government cannot take on this disease alone”. These Champions of Change that met here at the White House are living examples of both the progress made and challenges we continue to face. This is an opportunity to recommit ourselves and to learn more about the inspiring work of these Champions of Change in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Jury Candelario

Jury Candelario

Jury Candelario is the Director of Asian Pacific AIDS Intervention Team (APAIT) in Los Angeles which provides HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, research, training and advocacy primarily for the AAPI community.

Christian F. Castro

Christian F. Castro

Christian F. Castro is Program Director of the Latinos in the Deep South Program of the Latino Commission on AIDS.

Dee Dee Ngozi Chamblee

Dee Dee Ngozi Chamblee

Dee Dee Ngozi Chamblee is Executive Director and founder of LaGender, Inc. and an advocate within and for the Transgender community.

Hadiyah Charles

Hadiyah Charles

Hadiyah Charles is an advisory board member of The Center of HIV Law and Policy.

Dena Fontno-Gray

Dena Fontno-Gray

Dena Fontno-Gray is the HIV Prevention Program Manager for the City of Houston, HIV/STD, Viral Hepatitis and Re-Entry Program.

Beri Hull

Beri Hull

Beri Hull is the Global Advocacy Officer for the International Community of Women Living with HIV and AIDS (ICW).

Cleve Jones

Cleve Jones

Cleve Jones is founder of The NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt and works as a community organizer for UNITE HERE.

David Ernesto Munar

David Ernesto Munar

David Ernesto Munar is President/CEO of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago (AFC).

Ron Simmons, Ph.D.

Ron Simmons, Ph.D.

Ron Simmons, Ph.D., has served as the Executive Director or President/CEO of Us Helping Us for 18 years