Champions of Change
Steve Bewsey is the Director of Housing and Homelessness Services for Youth at LifeWorks in Austin, Texas. He is responsible for the oversight of a comprehensive continuum of programs serving runaway and homeless youth, including a Street Outreach Program, an Emergency Shelter, a Transitional Living program, a Maternity Group Home, and a Supportive Housing (apartment-based living) Program. Utilizing the skills he has acquired over more than 42 years of working with youth, he provides professional trainings throughout Texas with the Texas Network of Youth Services, as well as throughout the nation with the Academy of Competent Youth Work and the Runaway and Homeless Youth Training and Technical Assistance Center. Steve is the past Vice President of the Texas Youth & Child Care Worker Association, currently the Vice President of the Academy for Competent Youth Work, and a member of the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services Work Group for Advancing Competency Work where he has worked tirelessly to professionalize the field of youth care work.