Champions of Change
My name is Raquel Bracho and I am from Miami, Florida. I am currently a third year student at the University of Maryland School of Law. At the moment, I am pursuing a career in Health Law by serving as a Law Clerk with Dimensions Health Care System and completing the Health Law Certificate program through my school. Further, I am completing the majority of the coursework counting towards the Business Law Certificate. After graduation, I hope to continue to work in the Health Law field by serving as a hospital General Counsel or Compliance Officer. I am also involved in several community related endeavors: The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship and Maryland Law Service Corps. Through my Schweitzer Fellowship, I will be completing 200 hours of service through my self-designed community project, "A Wellness Approach to Health," which will involve quality of life improvement workshops, stress management workshops, and health food awareness endeavors; and through the Maryland Law Service Corps, I will be overseeing the planning of four pro-bono service trips to the gulf area in January 2012, overseeing fundraising for these trips, and handling administrative issues related to running the organization. As an undergraduate, I was a Public Health major and was honored with the Owens, Hall, Bilgrave award for my significant contribution to minority student affairs at the Johns Hopkins University due to my involvement in Minority Student Volunteers (minority student recruitment through admissions), Organizacion Latina Estudiantil, and the founding of a community service oriented Latina Sorority, Lambda Pi Chi. Lambda Pi Chi was also recognized as the chapter with the most community service on campus despite us only having 4 members. Overall, I have a strong desire to stay involved with and give back to my community.