Champions of Change
Growing up, I have been exposed to many different and unique cultures, simply by living in Miami, a “melting pot.” My father is Mexican and my mother is Cuban and I have a brother that is eleven months younger. My parents and grandparents instilled in me a love for people and always taught my brother and I the importance of reaching out and giving time and service to those in need. Since elementary school my education has been international, as I attended International Baccalaureate (IB) schools. At a young age, I began appreciating and familiarizing myself with foreign cultures and traditions and I am now fluent in 3 languages. During high school I traveled regularly to leadership conferences and awards ceremonies all over the country in places such as St. Louis, Los Angeles and Washington D.C. as a result of my leadership positions in several community service activities. On those trips is where I was able to make real and reliable connections for my future. My senior year of high school was the busiest yet the most rewarding. I got accepted into the universities I applied to, prepared for all the IB examinations and assessments, and continued my community service, all while maintaining a 6.5 GPA. Now that I am an official Miami Hurricane, I continue to be involved on campus through various school-sponsored extracurricular organizations. I am a member of AMSA (American Medical Student Association), FEC (Federacion de Estudiantes Cubanos) and COSO (Committee On Student Organizations). I am entering my last year at the University of Miami and I am on the pre-medical studies track majoring in psychology with a minor in chemistry and business administration. Outside the walls of school, I am extremely passionate about making a difference in my community and the world. Locally, I initiated L.I.F.E., Living and Illustrating For Each other, a tutoring program at COPE, a school for pregnant teenage girls. I tutor the girls twice a week in reading and math. I have had the opportunity to travel to several countries such as Cuba, Mexico, Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Brazil with my youth group in order to bring medical supplies and aid to sectors of large, needy cities and impoverished rural areas. I have also traveled to hurricane stricken Mississippi to help build homes and a church for those who lost everything during Hurricane Katrina. I have also been involved in aiding a small impoverished town in India called Bodawada, by organizing and carrying out dance-a-thon to raise money in order to build a school, a medical center and a church in Bodawada. I was able to successfully raise $4000 for the cause. I have been a servant-leader in my church’s youth group and have been a camp counselor at inner-city summer camps through TML (Touching Miami with Love. During the holidays, I organized a toy drive for a local homeless shelter and collected more than 1000 toys for children who otherwise would not have had any gifts to open on Christmas morning. I rounded up friends and family and we personally delivered the toys to about 500 children on December 25th. Through the organization I have recruited volunteers to continue working at COPE with the pregnant teens and to begin planning other events that will benefit those in need in our community. My fervor for a world class and international education combined with my desire to aid the needy in the third world will allow me to use my knowledge as a doctor to help save lives of children and families. I am eager to further my education in order for my knowledge and leadership skills to continue impacting the world.