Champions of Change
Adrienne served as a Business Development Volunteer in Russia from 1995-1997. After Peace Corps, Adrienne has been actively involved with the Atlanta Area Returned Peace Corps Volunteer organization (AARPCV), where she has been the newsletter coordinator, vice-president, and acting president of the group. With the AARPCV group she has volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, Hands on Atlanta, The International Community School, Atlanta Food Bank, and AIDS Walk Atlanta. Aside from AARPCV activities, she has also volunteered at the Shepherd Center as a mealtime assistant and for special events. Adrienne is currently in training to be a Foreign Service Officer at the U.S State Department . Her first foreign service assignment will be in Jerusalem, Israel beginning August 2011. Prior to the State Department, Adrienne worked for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Adrienne has a master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from Morgan State University, and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Virginia State University.