President Obama
The White House
Washington DC 20515
Mr. Francis A. Gentile
Hobbs Ferry, New York
January 25, 2009
Dear President Obama,
I voted for you and so did my wife Colette. We wish you well as our 44th President.
So far four members of our family have lost their jobs due to the economic recession. I realize that this is not your fault. Two of them are severely depressed, one is suicidal and the fourth is hanging tough. My wife and I are both retired and we live in a modest but comfortable life.
It breaks my heart to see our family members in so much pain and agony. I realize that you have just started and that the plans you have will take time to work but I wanted to let you know that I believe in you and hope your plans work to revive our nation’s economy.
If you plans do not work please do not give up but like FDR try other things. My family and I are praying for you to be successful and hopefully they can get jobs again.
One worked for GM in Wisconsin which closed down. One worked for a Cell Phone Service which was sold. The third worked for a loan agency and he was the last to be tired. Finally, the forth has severe depression and lost her job because of this problem and is now contemplating suicide. We are making sure she is going to be all right.
I want you to know that there are not just stories these are flesh and blood human beings who would like nothing better than to work and support and care for their families but because of the economy’s problems they cannot do so.
President Obama good luck to you and may God help you and our nation.
Yours truly,
Mr. Francis A. Gentile