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Letters to President Obama


Ryan Phelan, Austin, Texas

August 23, 2014

Dear President Obama:

I just wanted to thank you, Senator Kennedy (RIP) and the Rest of the Democrats for getting the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010. I recently enrolled in the exchange here in Texas this week. I would've been a pariah to the health insurance industry before with the chronic health condition I have. I suffered from migraine headaches for the past three years and it has been such an awful ordeal. Having insurance now won't cure me but maybe it will give me a chance to take control of my life again someday. I never would have dreamed you would become president back when I voted for you for Illinois Senator back in 2004. Ten years later here we are though and I can't thank you enough. I know your job gets a lot of hatred and you probably don't get a lot appreciation still six years into office. But there are millions of people who will never forget what you did for us. Long after you're out of office. I'm one of those people.

Yours Truly,

Ryan Phelan