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Letters to President Obama


David Hershy, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania

September 21, 2014

David Hershy
Elkins Park, PA

September 21, 2014

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

RE: Thank you for the Affordable Care Act it saved my life.

Dear Mr. President,

Like many Americans I have had my ups and downs in my career as a photographer and now a website designer. Due to those fluctuations in my income I was unable to afford medical insurance. The last time I was covered by a Health Plan was in 2003. With the passing of the Affordable Care Act I enrolled and selected insurance coverage which began in May 2014.

My family has a medical History of cancer. My father, grandfather, brother, cousin, uncle and others all had cancer with all but one ending with their early death. As soon as my new medical insurance was in effect I scheduled a long overdue colonoscopy. That procedure found four abnormal polyps, three of which were removed during that procedure.

The forth polyp was which was very large and fused to the colon was removed on the 17th of September. I am recouping from that surgery which went as well as it possibly could. The biopsy came back and I am clear with good margins too. Without the Affordable Care Act I would not have had a colonoscopy. One or all of the polyps would have metastasized within a year according to my doctors.

It is clear to me that your commitment to the people of this country and the Affordable Care Act which you championed has saved my life. I thank you for that from my heart. I have supported you in the past and will continue to do so.

My very best wishes to you and yours.