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Letters to President Obama


Derrick Clyde Benn, San Francisco, California

June 15, 2014

Thank you very much for The Affordable Health Care Act. I am a math, chemistry, and physics tutor earning less than $11K/year. Before this act, I was very limited in obtaining any health care. It has changed my life dramatically. Living in San Francisco, I was using the city's health plan, but I had to wait 2-3 days for my medications for my type 2 diabetes. Also, I had to wait in very long lines to obtain them. Now, by being on the States's Medi-Cal plan, I can not only obtain my medication within a few hours after my doctor prescribe my medication, but I also have more pharmacies that I can use to get my medications. As a result, I can focus on my work more and be more effective in my job. Again, Thank you! Thank you very much!