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Letters to President Obama


Brandon Valenzuela, Fayetteville, North Carolina

February 2, 2014

Mr. President, 

I have been meaning to write for sometime. Since 2000 I have been a registered Republican and a Fox News fan. I have spent the last 13 years in the Army deploying to Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, all in a very conservative environment. I also want you to know that I voted for you twice and that I am extremely grateful to have you as my Commander and Chief. Thank you for getting us out of Iraq. I am currently being medically separated, due to having multiple and unexplained blood clots, and I could not be more appreciative. I have all my limbs, no Traumatic Brain Injury, and no PTSD. Thank you for the lives you have saved, both military and civilian. I know you don't hear that enough so I wanted to let you know that you have touched the lives of even the most stubborn and conservative Soldiers and you have made me think differently on many, many political topics. 

Thank you for everything you have done. Please keep fighting for morality, and the little guy that can't fight for himself. I am proud and grateful to have you as my President. 

Very Respectfully, 

Brandon L. Valenzuela