Memoranda 1998 - 1995
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M-98-14, Comprehensive Plans and Associated Funding Requirements for Achieving Year 2000 Computer Compliance (August 13, 1998)
M-98-13, Federal Use of Energy Savings Performance Contracting (July 25, 1998) (4 pages, 595 kb)
M-98-09, Updated Guidance on Developing a Handbook for Individuals Seeking Access of Public Information (April 23, 1998)
M-98-04, Annual Performance Plans Required by the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) (January 29, 1998)
M-98-03, The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 (January 21, 1998)
M-98-02, Progress Reports on Fixing Year 2000 Difficulties (January 20, 1998)
M-98-01, 1998 Discount Rates for OMB Circular No. A-94 (January 16, 1998)
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M-97-16, Information Technology Architectures (June 18, 1997)
M-97-15, Local Telecommunications Services Policy (June 12, 1997) (9 pages, 50 kb)
M-97-12, Evaluation of Agency Implementation of Capital Planning and Investment Control Processes (April 25, 1997)
M-97-10, Guidance on Developing a Handbook for Individuals Seeking Access to Public Information (April 7, 1997) -- Note: This memo was rescinded by OMB M-98-09 whose purpose "is to rescind M-97-10 and reissue this guidance"
M-97-09, Interagency Support for Information Technology (March 10, 1997)
M-97-07, Multiagency Contracts Under the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996 (February 26, 1997)
M-97-05, Energy Expenditure Reporting (February 4, 1997)
M-97-04, E.O. 13031 -- Federal Alternative-Fueled Vehicle Leadership (January 30, 1997)
M-97-02, Funding Information Systems Investments (October 25, 1996)
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M-96-30, FY 1998 Budget Planning Guidance (June 10, 1996) (1 page, 54 kb)
M-96-22, Submission of FY 1995 Program Performance Reports (April 11, 1996)
M-96-20, Implementation of the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996 (April 4, 1996)
M-96-18, Performance Measurement Pilot Projects for 1995 (March 22, 1996)
Memorandum for Members of the Regulatory Working Group: Economic Analysis of Federal Regulations Under Executive Order 12866 (January 11, 1996)
M-96-07, Planning for Agency Operations in the Absence of Appropriations (December 14, 1995) (2 pages, 48 kb)
M-96-05, Government Corporations (December 8, 1995) (19 pages, 2,500 kb)
M-96-01, Planning for Agency Operations (November 9, 1995) (3 pages, 71 kb)
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M-95-21, Agency Plans for Operations During Funding Hiatus (September 25, 1995) (1 page, 35 kb)
M-95-18, Agency Plans for Operations During Funding Hiatus (August 22, 1995) (10 pages, 356 kb)
M-95-17, Contingency Planning for Agency Operations in Fiscal Year 1996 (August 17, 1995) (2 pages, 51 kb)
M-95-09, Guidance for Implementing Title II of S. 1 (March 31, 1995) (8 pages, 299 kb)
M-95-05, Submission of FY 1996 Performance Plans for Pilot (March 8, 1995)
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