Office of National Drug Control Policy

Changes to the National Drug Control Budget

Substance abuse takes a significant toll on the public health, public safety and financial resources of the United States. As a result, President Obama’s National Drug Control Strategy outlines a comprehensive approach to reducing drug use and its consequences by endorsing a balance of prevention, treatment, and law enforcement, and restoring balance between demand and supply reduction programs.

Recognizing the complex nature of the drug problem and its solutions, the Obama Administration has restructured the Federal drug control budget to more accurately represent the full range of Federal spending, including costs associated with the consequences of drug use. Based on a thorough review of drug control related programs, the Administration will now include several new agencies/programs to the National Drug Control Budget.

The new programs are now included as a part of the National Drug Control Strategy: FY 2012 Budget and Performance Summary (which will be released with the 2011 National Drug Control Strategy). The restructuring effort includes the development of performance measures that monitor each new agency’s contribution to the Strategy. ONDCP is currently working with agencies to identify current measures that may be appropriate and to develop new metrics where necessary. Over the next year, the Administration will review a number of programs that work on the drug control issue but were not included in the budget re-structure because of their budget estimation methodology. Some of these programs include:

  • The Department of Defense’s TRICARE prevention and treatment efforts
  • The Department of Health and Human Service’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Project Reunite
  • The Department of Justice’s Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant program
  • The Department of Labor’s Job Corps program


                                          Previous Budget Structure

                                          FY 2010   FY 2011   FY 2012

Demand Reduction      5,377.0    5,428.9    5,617.8

Supply Reduction         10,028.6   9,750.9   9,690.4

Total                                15,405.6  15,179.8  15,308.2


                                         Revised Budget Structure

                                         FY 2010  FY 2011  FY 2012

Demand Reduction     10,443.2 10,563.8 10,664.8

Supply Reduction         15,443.9 15,167.8 15,544.8

Total                                25,887.1 25,731.6 26,209.7

Note: Detail may not add due to rounding.


Restructured National Drug Control Budget

The following agencies/programs are included in the restructured National Drug Control Budget. 

Department of Agriculture
U.S. Forest Service

Department of Defense
Drug Interdiction and Counterdrug Activities Counterdrug OPTEMPO

Department of Education

Federal Judiciary

Department of Health and Human Services
Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services
Health Resources and Services
Administration Indian Health Service
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Department of Homeland Security
Customs and Border Protection
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement
United States Coast Guard

Department of the Interior
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Land Management
National Park Service

Department of Justice
Asset Forfeiture Fund
Bureau of Prisons (Corrections costs)
Criminal Division
Drug Enforcement Administration
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task
Force Program
Office of Federal Detention Trustee
Office of Justice Programs
National Drug Intelligence Center
U.S. Attorneys
U.S. Marshals Service

Office of National Drug Control Policy
Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center
High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas
Other Federal Drug Control Programs
Salaries and Expenses

Small Business Administration

Department of State
Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
United States Agency for International Development

Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service

Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Health Administration

New agencies/programs added to the FY 2012 National Drug Control Budget.

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