TEACH Town Hall with Secretary Duncan and NFL Teacher of the Year

On Thursday, June 16, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan will be joined by 2011 NFL Teacher of the Year Burt Grossman in a TEACH town hall at Banneker High School in Washington, D.C. Secretary Duncan will highlight the importance of great teachers and encourage Banneker students to consider teaching as a future profession.

The U.S. Department of Education launched the TEACH campaign in September 2010. The goal of this innovative campaign is to inspire the next generation of teachers and increase the number, quality and diversity of people seeking to become teachers, particularly in high-need schools. The TEACH website provides resources for students and prospective teachers, including a new interactive “pathway to teaching” tool designed to help individuals chart their course to becoming a teacher.

To learn more about the TEACH campaign and town hall, visit www.TEACH.gov.

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