Office of Public Engagement

White House Champions in the Fight Against Youth Homelessness, Let's Move Olympics, Google Hangout on Local Foods

Champions of Change in the Fight Against Youth Homelessness Panel Discussion

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan (middle) moderates a panel of Champions of Change who have made a difference in the way their communities combat youth homelessness, July 12, 2012. (Photo by the White House Office of Public Engagement)

White House Honors “Champions of Change” in the Fight Against Youth Homelessness

Last week, The White House Office of Public Engagement honored 13 individuals who have made significant differences in the way their communities combat homelessness among children and youth as Champions of Change.

The Champions of Change series spotlights everyday heroes who are demonstrating a commitment to improving their own communities, their country, or the lives of their fellow citizens. We are looking for you to nominate someone who is doing extraordinary things to make a difference in your community as a “Champion of Change.”

Let's Move Fun Day

First Lady Michelle Obama delivers remarks during an event at American University in Washington, D.C., March 13, 2012. Samantha Cameron, wife of British Prime Minister David Cameron, left, joined the First Lady, Olympic and Paralympic athletes including Lisa Leslie, and Washington, D.C., area children in a mini-Olympics competition to celebrate the 2012 London Summer Olympics and the “Let’s Move!” initiative. (Official White House Photo by Sonya N. Hebert)

Celebrate the Olympic Games at your Local Let’s Move Fun Day

First Lady Michelle Obama is leading the U.S. Delegation to the 2012 Olympic Games and she is calling on families around the country to support Team USA, not just by cheering on US athletes, but by getting active in your own communities.

Saturday, July 28th is the first day of the competition in London. Join your local Olympic Fun Day Meetup with family, friends and neighbors to play soccer, hold relay races, go for a bike ride--whatever gets you moving. RSVP and start planning your local Let’s Move! Olympic Fun Day Meetup.

Join a White House Hangout on Local Foods

Women play a prominent role in developing local and regional food systems that are creating jobs, pulling new people into agriculture, connecting communities, and improving health.On Tuesday, July 17th at 3:00 p.m. EDT, Jon Carson, Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Kathleen Merrigan, Deputy Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture, will join inspiring women leaders in the field of local foods through a Google+ Hangout to hear their stories and answer your questions.

Ask questions and join the discussion on the White House Google+ Page and on Twitter using the hashtag #WHHangout. Questions can be submitted ahead of time and during the event.

 Anne Filipic and Stephanie Valencia are Deputy Directors in the White House Office of Public Engagement. 

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