Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Recovery Efforts Continue Two Weeks After Hurricane Sandy

Two weeks ago, the East Coast was pummeled by Hurricane Sandy, a powerful storm that halted our transportation systems, shut off power for millions, flooded our communities, and displaced families. Two days after the hurricane made landfall, President Obama visited the devastated areas, reassuring families and residents that the federal government would be on hand to provide support and assistance until our homes and businesses are rebuilt. Since that time, the President and the entire federal government has committed all available resources to recovery and relief efforts. Federal, state, tribal, local, faith-based and voluntary agency partners have been working around the clock to ensure coordination in the impacted areas and provide necessities to survivors and families, such as food, bottled water, clothing, infant formula, and housing.

In addition, the federal government, in partnership with state, tribal, local, faith-based, voluntary agency leaders, is committed to ensuring that all populations who have been impacted by the hurricane, including immigrant communities and individuals and families with limited English proficiency have the ability to access disaster services and resources in their languages.    

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been on the ground even before Hurricane Sandy made landfall to ensure that emergency preparedness plans were in place. Since then, FEMA has been working tirelessly to coordinate federal recovery efforts, and currently has more than 7,400 personnel working alongside state and local partners in the impacted areas. 

Click here to learn more about just some of the federal disaster resources available for survivors of Hurricane Sandy. Many of these services and information can be accessed in languages other than English.  

Courtney Chappell is a Senior Advisor with the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

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