President Obama and the Hispanic Community

Working Towards Healthier Latino Communities


Administrator McCarthy Speaks to the NHMA Board of Directors at the National Hispanic Medical Association 18th Annual Conference.

The relationship between environmental protection and public health is at the heart of EPA’s mission and the agenda of the National Hispanic Medical Association. For years, Hispanic communities have been living in areas where the quality of the air they breathe and the water they drink does not meet national standards. In 2009, 70% of Hispanic children lived in areas with poor air quality. All too often, Latinos work in occupations where they are exposed to greater environmental hazards and toxic chemicals. Furthermore, when it comes to health disparities, Latinos, particularly Puerto Ricans, are disproportionately affected by asthma attacks and asthma related deaths. Make no mistake. Climate change is very much a public health threat; it widens the health disparities we work to address.

EPA will keep fighting for environmental justice—but we can’t do it alone. We can never underestimate the importance of Hispanic medical providers as a culturally competent link, ensuring the health of the Hispanic community in America. Therefore, EPA and the NHMA are starting to work more closely together to meet our common goals of improving the environmental health of Hispanic communities throughout the nation. We have been sharing valuable information and expertise to address the challenges Latino and underserved communities face, from air quality issues and many more.


Administrator Gina McCarthy and Dr. Elena Ríos with members of the National Hispanic Medical Association.

EPA recently took a step forward to protect the predominantly Hispanic farm worker community from the dangers of pesticide exposure. Each year, between 1,200 and 1,400 pesticide exposure incidents are reported on farms and in fields or forests. Last month, EPA proposed commonsense revisions to the Worker Protection Standard to protect farmworkers and their families. This is just one example of a step toward healthier communities. We’re not going to solve our environmental and health challenges overnight.  Yet, we know that together we can make a difference to ensure that we have a cleaner, healthier environment and true environmental justice for all.

EPA and NHMA’s goals of protecting our environment and public health are aligned. In fact, they are joined at the hip. Our future and the future of our children depend on clean air, clean water and a stable climate. Hispanic communities, EPA, and the NHMA are working towards that goal.

Together, we hope to make a difference, one community at a time.

Editor's Note: The views expressed here are intended to explain EPA policy. They do not change anyone's rights or obligations.

# Gina McCarthy and Dr. Elena Rios

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