The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
AFSCME Backs American Jobs Act
Washington, D.C. ─ Gerald W. McEntee, President of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME) issued the following statement this evening in response to the American Jobs Act outlined by President Obama.
“Americans are hurting and the President knows it’s time to put the middle class and the country first, stated AFSCME Pres. Gerald W. McEntee. "The President gets it, the suffering our members see on the frontlines of public service is real, and if the partisan response is the same old posturing about regulations, deficits and taxes, we’ll know they don’t.
“President Obama has taken a bold step toward creating jobs immediately, improving the economy, investing in infrastructure and putting America back to work. Rather than fold their arms and stomp their feet in opposition, it’s time for Republican leaders in Congress to put tea-based politics aside and do what’s right for the country.
“The President made fighting for jobs, the middle class and working families his number one priority tonight. He realizes that economic recovery is dependent upon both public and private sector growth and closing the Texas-sized tax loopholes to make Wall Street fat-cats pay their fair share is better than laying off nurses, teachers and firefighters.
“For the first time in 60 years, we saw zero job growth last month because tiny gains in the private sector were canceled out by 17,000 job losses in the public sector. Congressional Republicans need to put aside political differences and begin the real work of the nation; but if they want a fight, bring it on. It’s worth fighting to end unemployment lines and putting people back to work. The American Jobs Act will have an immediate impact on job creation and will help grow the economy now. Now is the time to stop the petty posturing and pandering to extremists and work with the President to pursue a jobs agenda for all Americans.”