The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Statement by the Press Secretary on Violence in Yemen

The United States condemns in the strongest terms the senseless acts of violence today in Yemen, including the attack against the Presidential Palace compound in Sana’a as well as other attacks in Sana'a and throughout the country. We call on all sides to cease hostilities immediately and to pursue an orderly and peaceful process of transferring political power as called for in the GCC-brokered agreement.  Violence cannot resolve the issues that confront Yemen, and today’s events cannot be a justification for a new round of fighting.   We urge all sides to heed the wishes of the Yemeni people, whose aspirations include peace, reform, and prosperity.  

In meetings held June 1-3 in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Assistant to the President for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security John Brennan and his Saudi and Emirati counterparts expressed deep concern at the deteriorating situation throughout Yemen. Mr. Brennan said that the United States would continue to coordinate closely with both governments on developments in Yemen in an effort to help bring an end to the violence.

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