The White House
Office of the Vice President
Statement by the Vice President on the Passing of Lawrence Eagleburger
Jill and I were sorry to learn of the passing of Larry Eagleburger. I worked with Larry for over three decades, and considered him to be one of the finest Foreign Service Officers of his generation. I always appreciated his candor and straightforward manner. He served loyally under Secretaries from both parties, and ultimately rose to be Secretary himself, the first Foreign Service Officer ever to do so. His service as Deputy Secretary under James Baker came during a historic period in American diplomacy – the collapse of the Soviet Empire and the beginning of transitions to democracy across central Europe, the Gulf War, significant breakthroughs in arms control with the USSR and then with Russia, and the reunification of Germany. Through it all, Larry had a clear-eyed sense of the strategic moment and gave wise counsel to Secretary Baker and to Congress. The post-Cold War world, particularly Europe and Eurasia, is more stable and secure because of the dedicated service of Larry Eagleburger.